
Real-time Offline Social Networking

Connect with top professionals around you in real-time, wherever you go, whenever you need.

Download and collab with professional within walking distance.

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Discover all professionals in real-time.
Around you, within walking distance of 100m, at
So you can connect & jump to offline conversation and collaboration, in real-time

For building long-term, mutual and sustainable connections with offline networking.




Office Area

Get started with OpnChat in less than 2 minutes

More than 80% of P2P connections, collaborations, help and service opportunities are hidden around people.

It is Factual truth that,


Not a single social networking tool is designed to help people discover and connect in real-time, wherever they go.

The most reliable 'Offline Social Network' for quick collaboration, wherever you go.



Dedicated Founding Team

Exceptional people from Google, Oracle, Startups


Urban Population to Impact

2K+ early signups for early access


Ongoing Development

Our Notable Angel investor

Sam Altman, one of the notable angel investors has agreed to spend his invaluable time on us. He said this feels like his reminiscence of "Loopt", his first startup back in 2005.

Sam Altman invested in opnchat, a proximity-based social networking startup operating in India.
Sam Altman invested in opnchat, a proximity-based social networking startup operating in India.

Name: Samuel Harris Altman

CEO of OpenAI, Ex-Ycombinator, Ex-founder Loopt

Join our Founding Team

Let's build it together.

If you are passionate about mission,

Older Technology, Repurposed and Reused Differently:

A real-time proximity network works on location-based networking that lets you discover & connect everyone around you, wherever you go. You could meet many professionals, colleagues, friends, alumni, neighbors, tourists, travelers, and hometown buddies at events, cafes, offices, markets, localities, beaches, and airports. We will help you find commonality and mutual ground to help, support and collaborate.

There will be no more living among strangers, only among people you can trust and rely on. Let's start helping, supporting and collaborating. 'Collaboration' is your new urban superpower.

OpnChat, the world's first "Open Proximity Network (OPN)", does just that. It is a simple technology to connect you with people, and insights happening right around your immediate area—completely safe and secured user privacy.

It's India's time to build "Offline Social Network"

What are you waiting for?

Download our app. Sign up for free and get a superpower for your Urban lifestyle.